ACE Women’s Network of Ohio (WNO) seeks outstanding leaders to serve as a member of the organization’s Executive Board (EB). All candidates should be employed by an Ohio college or university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
The ACE Women's Network-Ohio is a network of women administrators, faculty, and staff from colleges and universities across the state that is dedicated to the professional advancement of women. Through representatives, conferences, workshops, and other resources, we are committed to improving the status of women on our campuses and throughout higher education. In doing so, we support the mission of the Inclusive Excellence Group and the American Council on Education.
American Council on Education Strategic Framework
The American Council on Education’s Strategic Framework will guide ACE WNO’s work over the next three years. It conveys ACE’s vision and mission, core organizational values, and strategic commitments. The Strategic Commitments are as follows:
Affirm and Strengthen Public Trust in Postsecondary Education
Deepen the public's confidence in higher education by communicating its impact as a powerful engine of economic opportunity, social mobility, and a flourishing democracy, and encouraging member action around meaningful change.
Champion Equity, Access and Completion
Promote public policies and institutional practices that provide affordable, high-quality postsecondary education opportunities for all and expand flexible pathways for completion through innovative learning.
Enrich the Capacity of Institutions & Leaders to Innovate and Adapt
Cultivate programs and services to advance the success of senior leaders, expand learning networks to diversify and strengthen the talent pipeline, and facilitate regional and global partnerships to address complex challenges.
For more information about the ACE Strategic Framework, visit
Board Responsibilities:
Executive Board (EB) members promote ACE WNO’s mission and fulfill the goals of the organization. In addition, EB members attend and participate in regular meetings, monthly conference calls, annual planning retreats, and the ACE WNO fall conference. Further, each EB Member serves on one or more standing committees and assists in identifying, recruiting, orienting, mentoring and transitioning new EB Members.
Prospective Candidates:
Application Information:
Click here to complete the Executive Board application. Please have a PDF of your current resume/curriculum vitae prepared to upload.
For more information about ACE WNO and current Executive Board members, please visit
ACE WNO is committed to an inclusive environment and strongly encourages applications from under-represented groups, such as people that identify as LBGTQI, veterans and individuals with disabilities.